Wii Backup Manager v0.3.4

      Wii Backup Manager v0.3.4

      fig2k4 hat seinen Wii Backup Manager auf Version 0.3.4 aktualisiert. Mit dem Wii Backup Manager kann man seine Sicherheitskopien auf der Festplatte verwalten, für NTFS-Platten konvertieren und noch viele Dinge mehr. Die genaue Featureliste bitte den Downloaddetails entnehmen. Da viele Dinge hinzugefügt worden sind, sollte man sich den Changelog genau durchlesen.



      Added: New folder name layouts compatible with CFG 51b+ and GX r893+
      Added: WBFS split style. Auto, Unlimited, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB.
      Added: New items on the files page "Select" menu. Save/load from file. A list of selected IDs are save to file so these entries can be quickly selected by loading the .sel file.
      Added: Safely remove corrupt WBFS discs. For now, only WBFS discs with a bad header are considered to be corrupt.
      Added: "Tools->WBFS->Fix free blocks". This will compare the allocated blocks on a WBFS drive with blocks actually used by the discs stored on it. If there's any blocks found to be allocated, but unused, they're marked as free. This is used to free blocks after removing corrupt discs, since the header can't be trusted. It should be handy to recover some space after failed transfers with apps that don't handle it correctly.
      Added: New option "Ignore storage/naming convention for transfers to WBFS file". When enabled "Transfer->WBFS file.." will use the title as the filename, with no sub folder or text file.
      Added: Batch DVD mode. When enabled, the progress panel stays open waiting on the next DVD. Once inserted, all game partitions are selected and the transfer begins automatically.
      Added: Drag and drop the list columns to rearrange them.
      Added: Select which columns are visible via right click menu. I can add some useless info columns now. smile.gif
      Added: Incremental search on lists. eg. Quickly type "mar" to go to the next entry that contains that text. There's a 1 second timeout, so if you type again too quickly, then you might be trying to search for something like "marmar". If you here a beep or it acts strangely, wait 1 second for the search text to get cleared before trying again.
      Added: Mini log on progress panels. This shows only success/failure/warning for transfers etc. The panel stays open when an error occurred. See the main log for details on errors.
      Changed: Progress panels show in a scroll box on the right side of the window. Using the scrollbox reduces the amount of space needed for multiple progress panels.
      Fixed: WBFS drives now show up using detection via drive letters. I introduced a feature that only showed drives if it had a disk inserted, now it only checks if the drive exists.
      Added: Automatically request admin privileges, which are needed to work with WBFS drives.
      Added: WinAPI functions used to format NTFS/FAT32, with native Delphi FAT32 format code now used as fallback.
      Added: Option to select whether MD5 hashes are automatically calculated during transfers.
      Added: Mount custom folders on the drive pages via a "Custom folder" item in the drive menus.
      Changed: WBFS AddDisc() routine uses too much CPU time copying 1 Wii sector at a time. I changed it to copy whole WBFS sectors at a time where the whole sector is actually used. If parts of the WBFS sectors are unused, then they're copied 1 Wii sector at a time, like before. This almost halves the CPU usage on my system.
      Added: New list columns; Game region, file type, Wii disc partitions. Partitions types are U=Update, G=Game, C=Channel, O=Other
      Added: Format dialog doesn't display system or network drives.
      Added: With incremental search, uppercase does a full title search, lowercase searches using the start of the titles.
      Fixed: Dual layer Iso size was wrong.
      Added: Options to auto rename from titles.txt on transfer to drives and WBFS files.
      Added: Option to use on-the-fly titles for storage conventions, ie. file and folder names, without renaming the internal titles. Transfers to ISO/CISO always use it.
      Added: ISOs are now also renamed from titles.txt. The internal title isn't changed, only the file/folder names.
      Added: Menu item on drive tools menu, NTFS/FAT32->Update storage convention. To manually update it, rather than using "Update when drive is mounted" in the settings.
      Changed: Keep all Wii disc partitions by default.

      Quelle: GBAtemp.net
      Ich hab das Programm getestet und muss auch sagen: 1A

      Nur ein kleines Problem hab ich: Ich habe es geschafft alle meine Spiele richtig zu konverieren nur bei Super Smash Bros. Brawl streikt das Programm. Ich habe alles gemacht wie es in diesem TuT doch wenn ich die Iso von SSBB hinzufügen möchte und sie auswähle scheint sie nur schnell im WiiBackupManager auf, man hört den entsprechenden Sound und sie verschwindet wieder. Hat jemand von euch das selbe Problem? Wenn ya wie habt ihr es gelöst (und könnte das ein Bug im Programm sein oder liegt das an meiner ISO)?