Calculation of Profile ID out of unique nick

      Calculation of Profile ID out of unique nick

      For the login procedure, the server needs a database of uniquenick -> profileid assignment.

      The Wii sends its unique nick name, and out of this information, the server returns the profile id (= friend code) to the wii.

      This algorithmus must be somewhere in the game, because when you create a new profile, the server sends the profileID and the Wii returns the unique nick name.
      So, MKWii knows the algorithmus how to calculate the unique nick name out of the profile ID.

      Maybe someone who is good in ASM can find out, how this works and can make an algorithmus for the other way (uniquenick to profile-ID)?


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      I've just got a proto-type of the Wii based network dumper (including SSL) so I'll investiage; I can dump extra stuff like which methods in the game actually process the packet which is helpful. When exactly does this occur? I just tried connecting on a new license but the server sent the unique nick + profile id in one message before the Wii had ever seen either of them.
      I have made some tests using HTTP isnetad of HTTPS. I created some new profiles and I have analysed the traffic.

      The Wii send the NICK in 2 parts in it's very first request to the server NAS(WII). Later, if connection to GPCM, the new friend code (more exact, the Player ID)is send by the server.

      This means, that the database must know the relation between PID/FC and NICK.

      Once out own server is running, we can test, what happens, if the server sends a new PID (for unknown users).

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      Wiimm schrieb:

      Once out own server is running, we can test, what happens, if the server sends a new PID (for unknown users).

      If the player already has a friend code, the connection will fail. The Wii immediately logs off and you get the error code "60000"
      If the player doesn't have one, he'll get one.

      But when the Wii sends the uniquenick to the server while registering - maybe there is an algorithm to guess this nickname?

      @Wiimm: The authtoken contains the "gsbrcd" (the second unique nick name part), the "userid" (the decoded first part), the "ingamesn" (mii name), the "gamecd" (ID4) and the SSL-challenge "challenge".

      This data:

      is base64-decoded and prefixed by a "NDS".

      So the login server does not need to communicate with naswii, because it gets the SLL-challenge out of the authtoken.

      EDIT: This is only true for the server of Nagato. The official ones use another string.

      Also, if somebody logs in whose nick name we don't know - the unique nick, the wii serial and some other information are sent to us, so maybe those people can tell us their friend code and we can put it into the database manually after 20th May.

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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von Leseratte ()