Network protocol - returncd key/value

      Network protocol - returncd key/value


      I was reversing the 4 NDS Professor Layton games since the last 2 weeks and I kept an eye on your project since its beginning by the same way. I was able to make unencrypted dumps, I patched the games with my NoSSL script. It works for both Wii & DS and is compatible for Windows, Mac, Linux or anything that can run python script.



      1. Usage: NoSSL Patcher V0.1
      2. ./nossl -s [-v] [-b=BUFF_SIZE] [-strin=STRING] file [file2, ...]
      3. ./nossl -p [-v | -i] [-b=BUFF_SIZE] [-strin=STRING] [-strout=STRING]
      4. ........................[-o=name] file [[-o=name2] file2, ...]
      5. ........-s | -p Search/Patch mode
      6. ........-v Enable verbosity: Lots of details about what it's doing
      7. ........-i Interactive mode: Ask you before doing something
      8. ........-b Set the buffer size (in byte)
      9. ................Default: -b=-1 (all the file is loaded)
      10. ........-strin & -strout String to search/replace
      11. ................Default: strin='https' strout='http'
      12. ........-o Set the destination filename
      13. ................Default: -o file+'.nossl'
      Alles anzeigen

      For Nintendo DS:


      1. python -p -i -b=4200 files

      For Nintendo Wii:


      1. python -p -i -b=4200 -strin="https://naswii" -strout="http://nas" files

      I also did unencrypted dumps from Monster Hunter Tri and I figured out something interesting about the Nintendo server answer. Especially the returncd key and its value. All games I tried on Wii & DS (except MHTri) return the following value:


      1. MDAx (base64) <=> 1 (decimal)

      The network connection is fine.

      For Monster Hunter Tri it's different:


      1. MTEw (base64) <=> 110 (decimal)

      The network connection failed (normal because the servers are down) and raise a 20110 error code.

      My guess is the returncd means something like "return value of cd" (cd for change directory) and may raise a specific error code if it failed. So I was wondering if you know another game which the server are discontinued that may have another returncd value. And maybe if you're able to alter the server traffic to check this out on MKWii by replacing the returncd value.

      I hope it may help you, and doesn't waste your time ;v)
      Cordially Sepalani.

      Sepalani schrieb:

      The network connection is fine.

      For Monster Hunter Tri it's different:



      MTEw (base64) <=> 110 (decimal)

      The network connection failed (normal because the servers are down) and raise a 20110 error code.

      My guess is the returncd means something like "return value of cd" (cd for change directory) and may raise a specific error code if it failed. So I was wondering if you know another game which the server are discontinued that may have another returncd value. And maybe if you're able to alter the server traffic to check this out on MKWii by replacing the returncd value.

      I hope it may help you, and doesn't waste your time ;v)
      Cordially Sepalani.


      1. returncd 1 : error 20101
      2. returncd 1..99 : OK, no error message
      3. returncd 100 .. 3456 (maybe more) : error code = 20000+CODE => 20100 .. 23456
      4. returncd 9876, 12030 : turn off your Wii

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