Multi Game Support

    Yes, this is exactly what I meant.

    I decided to post the request the game makes and the server's answer:



    1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    2. POST /SakeStorageServer/StorageServer.asmx HTTP/1.1\r\n
    3. Host:\r\n
    4. User-Agent: GameSpyHTTP/1.0\r\n
    5. Connection: close\r\n
    6. Content-Length: 1362\r\n
    7. Content-Type: text/xml\r\n
    8. SOAPAction: ""\r\n
    9. \r\n
    10. [Full request URI:]
    11. [HTTP request 1/1]
    12. [Response in frame: 1373]
    13. File Data: 1362 bytes
    14. eXtensible Markup Language
    15. <?xml
    16. <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
    17. xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
    18. xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""
    19. xmlns:xsi=""
    20. xmlns:xsd=""
    21. xmlns:ns1="">
    22. <SOAP-ENV:Body>
    23. <ns1:GetSpecificRecords>
    24. <ns1:gameid>
    25. 2999
    26. </ns1:gameid>
    27. <ns1:secretKey>
    28. o6JWLk
    29. </ns1:secretKey>
    30. <ns1:loginTicket>
    31. 23c7859f2bb036e5D5Ndqb5N
    32. </ns1:loginTicket>
    33. <ns1:tableid>
    34. tblMapInfo
    35. </ns1:tableid>
    36. <ns1:recordids>
    37. <ns1:int>
    38. 0
    39. </ns1:int>
    40. <ns1:int>
    41. 0
    42. </ns1:int>
    43. <ns1:int>
    44. 0
    45. </ns1:int>
    46. <ns1:int>
    47. 0
    48. </ns1:int>
    49. <ns1:int>
    50. 0
    51. </ns1:int>
    52. <ns1:int>
    53. 0
    54. </ns1:int>
    55. <ns1:int>
    56. 225494
    57. </ns1:int>
    58. <ns1:int>
    59. 391396
    60. </ns1:int>
    61. <ns1:int>
    62. 0
    63. </ns1:int>
    64. <ns1:int>
    65. 274224
    66. </ns1:int>
    67. <ns1:int>
    68. 0
    69. </ns1:int>
    70. <ns1:int>
    71. 274212
    72. </ns1:int>
    73. <ns1:int>
    74. 0
    75. </ns1:int>
    76. <ns1:int>
    77. 0
    78. </ns1:int>
    79. <ns1:int>
    80. 274205
    81. </ns1:int>
    82. <ns1:int>
    83. 0
    84. </ns1:int>
    85. <ns1:int>
    86. 0
    87. </ns1:int>
    88. <ns1:int>
    89. 0
    90. </ns1:int>
    91. <ns1:int>
    92. 391373
    93. </ns1:int>
    94. <ns1:int>
    95. 391805
    96. </ns1:int>
    97. <ns1:int>
    98. 0
    99. </ns1:int>
    100. <ns1:int>
    101. 0
    102. </ns1:int>
    103. <ns1:int>
    104. 1013
    105. </ns1:int>
    106. <ns1:int>
    107. 0
    108. </ns1:int>
    109. <ns1:int>
    110. 0
    111. </ns1:int>
    112. </ns1:recordids>
    113. <ns1:fields>
    114. <ns1:string>
    115. recordid
    116. </ns1:string>
    117. <ns1:string>
    118. approval_recordid
    119. </ns1:string>
    120. <ns1:string>
    121. num_ratings
    122. </ns1:string>
    123. <ns1:string>
    124. average_rating
    125. </ns1:string>
    126. <ns1:string>
    127. stat_fileid.downloads
    128. </ns1:string>
    129. </ns1:fields>
    130. </ns1:GetSpecificRecords>
    131. </SOAP-ENV:Body>
    132. </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    Alles anzeigen
    SAKE's answer:


    1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    2. HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
    3. Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2017 14:47:35 GMT\r\n
    4. Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Linux/SUSE)\r\n
    5. X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.20\r\n
    6. Content-Length: 805\r\n
    7. Connection: close\r\n
    8. Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n
    9. \r\n
    10. [HTTP response 1/1]
    11. [Time since request: 0.173238000 seconds]
    12. [Request in frame: 1363]
    13. File Data: 805 bytes
    14. eXtensible Markup Language
    15. <?xml
    16. <soap:Envelope
    17. xmlns:xsi=""
    18. xmlns:xsd=""
    19. xmlns:soap="">
    20. <soap:Body>
    21. <GetSpecificRecordsResponse
    22. xmlns="">
    23. <GetSpecificRecordsResult>
    24. Success
    25. </GetSpecificRecordsResult>
    26. <values>
    27. <ArrayOfRecordValue>
    28. <RecordValue>
    29. <intValue>
    30. <value>
    31. 1013
    32. </value>
    33. </intValue>
    34. </RecordValue>
    35. <RecordValue>
    36. <asciiStringValue>
    37. <value>
    38. </value>
    39. </asciiStringValue>
    40. </RecordValue>
    41. <RecordValue>
    42. <intValue>
    43. <value>
    44. </value>
    45. </intValue>
    46. </RecordValue>
    47. <RecordValue>
    48. <asciiStringValue>
    49. <value>
    50. </value>
    51. </asciiStringValue>
    52. </RecordValue>
    53. <RecordValue>
    54. <intValue>
    55. <value>
    56. 0
    57. </value>
    58. </intValue>
    59. </RecordValue>
    60. </ArrayOfRecordValue>
    61. </values>
    62. </GetSpecificRecordsResponse>
    63. </soap:Body>
    64. </soap:Envelope>
    Alles anzeigen
    The game is trying to get information about the levels that I uploaded. The nwfc recordids don't seem to cause issues since I can login fine if I have no level uploaded to Wiimmfi. In this case SAKE's answer will be empty which appears to be fine. If a level is uploaded it finds it in the database and returns information but it seems to be incomplete since some values are completely empty. After this the game displays the error code.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Matze167435 ()

    Since we're all doing SAKE talk: (cc @Wiimm ofc)
    micchannelwii (Also known lovingly as Wii Speak Channel, or the channel from hell) seems to now want an extra query Wiimmfi doesn't support;

    After clearing my savedata and connecting, my Wii sends this:


    1. POST /SakeStorageServer/StorageServer.asmx HTTP/1.1
    2. Host:
    3. User-Agent: GameSpyHTTP/1.0
    4. Connection: close
    5. Content-Length: 613
    6. Content-Type: text/xml
    7. SOAPAction: ""
    8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:RateRecord><ns1:gameid>2253</ns1:gameid><ns1:secretKey>wkvBfX</ns1:secretKey><ns1:loginTicket>23c7e3c61aa386ddZQoVZnGa</ns1:loginTicket><ns1:tableid>userinfo</ns1:tableid><ns1:recordid>1002</ns1:recordid><ns1:rating>0</ns1:rating></ns1:RateRecord></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

    However, the server returns:


    1. HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    2. Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2017 23:48:43 GMT
    3. Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Linux/SUSE)
    4. X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.20
    5. Sake-File-Result: 7
    6. Content-Length: 128
    7. Connection: close
    8. Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    9. <html>
    10. <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
    11. <body bgcolor="white">
    12. <center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
    13. </body>
    14. </html>
    Alles anzeigen

    While I can't confirm that's the specific error (since I want to be annoying and please clear out all database records so Larsen and I can start afresh with fresh dumps), it'd be nice for this to be implemented to see if it fixes the error.

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!
    Record rating isn't implemented in Wiimmfi SAKE (and also not implemented in AltWFC SAKE). A Nintendo dump (from the original servers) of any rating request would be helpful ...

    We could try returning the errors "AlreadyRated" or "NotRateable" to see what the game does about that, but I doubt that'll work.

    DevkitPro Archiv (alte Versionen / old versions):
    Want to donate for Wiimmfi and Patreon / PayPal

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 0 mal editiert, zuletzt von Leseratte ()

    Leseratte schrieb:

    Record rating isn't implemented in Wiimmfi SAKE (and also not implemented in AltWFC SAKE). A Nintendo dump (from the original servers) of any rating request would be helpful ...
    Sadly, we don't seem to have that; wasn't archived back when we found it?

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!
    I don't know ...

    @Wiimm these two blocks of code from the Gamespy SDK might help with that rankings record.

    C-Quellcode: sake/sake.h

    1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2. // rate record
    3. typedef struct
    4. {
    5. char *mTableId;
    6. int mRecordId;
    7. gsi_u8 mRating;
    8. } SAKERateRecordInput;
    9. typedef struct
    10. {
    11. int mNumRatings;
    12. float mAverageRating;
    13. } SAKERateRecordOutput;
    14. SAKERequest SAKE_CALL sakeRateRecord(SAKE sake, SAKERateRecordInput *input, SAKERequestCallback callback, void *userData);
    Alles anzeigen

    C-Quellcode: sake/sakeRequestMisc.c

    1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3. // Rate Record
    4. static SAKEStartRequestResult SAKE_CALL sakeiRateRecordValidateInput(SAKERequest request)
    5. {
    6. SAKERateRecordInput *input = (SAKERateRecordInput *)request->mInput;
    7. // check the tableid
    8. if(!input->mTableId)
    9. return SAKEStartRequestResult_BAD_TABLEID;
    10. return SAKEStartRequestResult_SUCCESS;
    11. }
    12. static SAKEStartRequestResult SAKE_CALL sakeiRateRecordFillSoapRequest(SAKERequest request)
    13. {
    14. SAKERateRecordInput *input = (SAKERateRecordInput *)request->mInput;
    15. // write the table id
    16. gsXmlWriteStringElement(request->mSoapRequest, GSI_SAKE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "tableid", input->mTableId);
    17. // write the recordid
    18. gsXmlWriteIntElement(request->mSoapRequest, GSI_SAKE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "recordid", (gsi_u32)input->mRecordId);
    19. // write the rating
    20. gsXmlWriteIntElement(request->mSoapRequest, GSI_SAKE_SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "rating", (gsi_u32)input->mRating);
    21. return SAKEStartRequestResult_SUCCESS;
    22. }
    23. static SAKERequestResult sakeiRateRecordProcessSoapResponse(SAKERequest request)
    24. {
    25. SAKERateRecordOutput *output = (SAKERateRecordOutput *)request->mOutput;
    26. if(gsi_is_false(gsXmlReadChildAsInt(request->mSoapResponse, "numRatings", &output->mNumRatings)) ||
    27. gsi_is_false(gsXmlReadChildAsFloat(request->mSoapResponse, "averageRating", &output->mAverageRating)))
    28. {
    29. return SAKERequestResult_MALFORMED_RESPONSE;
    30. }
    31. return SAKERequestResult_SUCCESS;
    32. }
    33. SAKEStartRequestResult SAKE_CALL sakeiStartRateRecordRequest(SAKERequest request)
    34. {
    35. static SAKEIRequestInfo info =
    36. {
    37. sizeof(SAKERateRecordOutput),
    38. SAKEI_FUNC_NAME_STRINGS("RateRecord"),
    39. sakeiRateRecordValidateInput,
    40. sakeiRateRecordFillSoapRequest,
    41. sakeiRateRecordProcessSoapResponse
    42. };
    43. return sakeiStartRequest(request, &info);
    44. }
    Alles anzeigen
    So this thing is basically rating a record, and wants an average rating and the number of ratings returned, so that table needs two more columns (current avg. and number of ratings) and that average value calculation needs to be added to SAKE.

    DevkitPro Archiv (alte Versionen / old versions):
    Want to donate for Wiimmfi and Patreon / PayPal

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 0 mal editiert, zuletzt von Leseratte ()

    I'll continue my SAKE work in 2 days.

    WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
    Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

    SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
    Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

    PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.

    Wiimm schrieb:

    I'll continue my SAKE work in 2 days.
    Of course, no worries; enjoy the time off with your family, that's more important than this c:

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!

    Metaridley schrieb:

    Wiimm schrieb:


    1. x # grep '<<' *.txt
    2. digistoryds.txt:GAME TEST <<ID3>>P <<TITLE>> (PAL)
    3. digistoryds.txt:GAME TEST <<ID3>>E <<TITLE>> (USA)
    4. digistoryds.txt:GAME TEST <<ID3>>K <<TITLE>> (Korea)
    5. digiwrldds.txt:GAME TEST <<ID3>>J <<TITLE>> (Japan)
    6. digiwrldds.txt:GAME TEST <<ID3>>P <<TITLE>> (PAL)
    7. digiwrldds.txt:GAME TEST <<ID3>>K <<TITLE>> (Korea)
    the thing is = the game has no pal, korea etc. release - and in the template states "don't remove regions"so... yeah that make absolute no sense to me, so... either i delete everything besides the USA (or JAP in case of DW Story) or i paste everything into the IDE3/TITLE fields but then there are no region codes for the others outside of US or Jap (there are no ADNK or ADNP)

    A Description for 1-Region Only games would be nice...
    I hope anybody here can explain me in detail what i've made wrong. i describe here my understanding of the the workaround but it doesn't rly help

    back in the day when i write the file for bleach versus crusade on wii, i deleted every region line except for japanese and it worked, but since the template is updated, the statement of "don't remove regions" confuse me rly hard
    Meine Konsolen:
    :Smiley_v3_Game_Boy_Color: :Smiley_v3_Game_Boy_Advance_SP: : :Smilie_v2_Nintendo_DS: : :Smiley_v3_Nintendo_GameCube: :Smiley_v3_Nintendo_Wii: + 3DSXL :smilie_samus: Edition
    Gamecube Zubehör: 2x :43px-GCNController.svg: 2x :Smiley_v3_GCN_Wavebird_Controller: 4x :27px-GCNMemoryCard.svg: Wii Zubehör: 2x :Smiley_v3_Wii_Remote: 2x :Smiley_v3_Wii_Nunchuck:
    :26px-WiiDrawing.svg: Firmware 4.3

    Leseratte schrieb:

    so that table needs two more columns
    Or an extra table to store each vote and let aggregate it by SQL server on read. With this construction, votes are editable (if Wii supports it) and can also be banned.

    Study the top of _template.txt

    WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
    Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

    SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
    Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

    PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
    Tomorrow I will clean all tables of Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Any veto?

    Then I will start to think about a rating function, but I have no idea about the reply of the server. I can guess a xml structure, that's all.
    I think, a rating tables is build at least by following members:
    * recordid
    * ownerid
    * rating
    * timestamp

    WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
    Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

    SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
    Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

    PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
    Ok so i get no explanations here and the head of the template don't rly replied "my question" that i ask times over times here, i search a few other templates in this thread before and yeah... it's against my logic but hey nobody can me answer that correctly.

    I've paste now the follow things in "both" templates

    GAME TEST ADNJ Digimon Story (Japan)
    GAME TEST ADNP Digimon World DS (PAL)
    GAME TEST ADNE Digimon World DS (USA)
    GAME TEST ADNK Digimon Story (Korea)

    and please try to enabled them.

    BUT it don't explain anything to me = D.Story and D.World DS are technically the same game but there two different games because of region restrictions they can't communicate together (something like DBZ B.Tenkaichi 3 and DBZ Sparking Meteor also the same games but they can't connect with the each other because different regions)

    so THAT confuses me too, and ALSO the game never came out in korea or pal regions so it makes no sense to me why the template want region codes like "ADNP" they not exist.

    as another example, here the ID list from BT3 from the wiimmfi game history

    GAME PART RDSE Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (USA)
    GAME PART RDSP Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (PAL)

    no japanese, no korean

    and here from Sparking Meteor

    GAME TEST RDSJ Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (JAP)

    no US, no PAL, no Korean

    So and in the new template you shouldn't delete any of the four rows?sry but it's for a noob they ask for one game to add and write a template in 1-2 years is confusing as hell

    i don't want to rant here, i only want understand the logic behind that...
    • digistoryds.txt

      (3,76 kB, 84 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • digiwrldds.txt

      (3,77 kB, 84 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    Meine Konsolen:
    :Smiley_v3_Game_Boy_Color: :Smiley_v3_Game_Boy_Advance_SP: : :Smilie_v2_Nintendo_DS: : :Smiley_v3_Nintendo_GameCube: :Smiley_v3_Nintendo_Wii: + 3DSXL :smilie_samus: Edition
    Gamecube Zubehör: 2x :43px-GCNController.svg: 2x :Smiley_v3_GCN_Wavebird_Controller: 4x :27px-GCNMemoryCard.svg: Wii Zubehör: 2x :Smiley_v3_Wii_Remote: 2x :Smiley_v3_Wii_Nunchuck:
    :26px-WiiDrawing.svg: Firmware 4.3

    Wiimm schrieb:

    Tomorrow I will clean all tables of Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Any veto?
    No veto from me ;)

    Edit: I forgot: Don't clear tblregioninfo please or the game will freeze again. Instead it would be nice if you would add this if you didn't do it yet:

    Wiimm schrieb:


    1. +------------+------------+--------+----------+--------+-----------------+-------------+
    2. | _created | _updated | _count | recordid | region | allowed_regions | min_ratings |
    3. +------------+------------+--------+----------+--------+-----------------+-------------+
    4. | 1514231549 | 1514231549 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
    5. | 1514231549 | 1514231549 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
    6. | 1514231549 | 1514231549 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
    7. | 1514231549 | 1514231549 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
    8. | 1514231549 | 1514231549 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
    9. +------------+------------+--------+----------+--------+-----------------+-------------+

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Matze167435 ()

    I have now analyzed all rating requests and want to implement it like this:

    The result data types for ratings are:
    * intValue num_ratings
    * floatValue average_rating

    I have already activated theses members for tables
    * playgroundds_tbljoinmapplayerinfo
    * playgroundds_tblmapinfo
    * playgroundds_tblmapinfx
    * playgroundds_tblnintendomapinfo
    * speak_userinfo
    So the empty result of Matze167435's dump are replaced by numbers -> try again.

    For table with rating support I'll implement a secondary table with at least
    * recordid
    * ownerid
    * rating
    * invalid
    Each time a rating arrived, the summary values of the base tables (num_ratings+average_rating) are updated too. This redundancy makes the read access for a base table much easier (no extra programming needed).

    This is the next step to implement. I do it maybe in the evening (in 4-5h) ore more likely tomorrow.

    WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
    Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

    SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
    Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

    PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.

    Wiimm schrieb:


    For table with rating support I'll implement a secondary table with at least
    * recordid
    * ownerid
    * rating
    * invalid
    Each time a rating arrived, the summary values of the base tables (num_ratings+average_rating) are updated too. This redundancy makes the read access for a base table much easier (no extra programming needed).

    This is the next step to implement. I to it maybe in the evening (in 4-5h) ore more likely tomorrow.
    Awesome! TY :3

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!
    First: I forgotten to list table "speak_userinfo" in post above.

    Is it really so difficult to follow intructions like


    1. # 1x <<TYPE>> : Game type: NDS | Wii | DSiWare | WiiWare | Mix
    ... or ...


    1. GAMETYPE <type>
    2. Define the game type. Possible are 'NDS', 'Wii', 'DSiWare', 'WiiWare' and
    3. 'Mix'. 'Mix' enables dual console (NDS and Wii) logins.
    ... and not to write "GAMETYPE Nintendo DS"?

    Anyway, games activated.

    WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
    Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

    SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
    Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

    PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
    The values are still empty:


    1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    2. HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
    3. Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2017 17:58:38 GMT\r\n
    4. Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Linux/SUSE)\r\n
    5. X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.20\r\n
    6. Content-Length: 793\r\n
    7. Connection: close\r\n
    8. Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n
    9. \r\n
    10. [HTTP response 1/1]
    11. [Time since request: 2.282535000 seconds]
    12. [Request in frame: 616]
    13. File Data: 793 bytes
    14. eXtensible Markup Language
    15. <?xml
    16. <soap:Envelope
    17. xmlns:xsi=""
    18. xmlns:xsd=""
    19. xmlns:soap="">
    20. <soap:Body>
    21. <GetSpecificRecordsResponse
    22. xmlns="">
    23. <GetSpecificRecordsResult>
    24. Success
    25. </GetSpecificRecordsResult>
    26. <values>
    27. <ArrayOfRecordValue>
    28. <RecordValue>
    29. <intValue>
    30. <value>
    31. 1002
    32. </value>
    33. </intValue>
    34. </RecordValue>
    35. <RecordValue>
    36. <asciiStringValue>
    37. <value>
    38. </value>
    39. </asciiStringValue>
    40. </RecordValue>
    41. <RecordValue>
    42. <intValue>
    43. <value>
    44. </value>
    45. </intValue>
    46. </RecordValue>
    47. <RecordValue>
    48. <floatValue>
    49. <value>
    50. </value>
    51. </floatValue>
    52. </RecordValue>
    53. <RecordValue>
    54. <intValue>
    55. <value>
    56. 0
    57. </value>
    58. </intValue>
    59. </RecordValue>
    60. </ArrayOfRecordValue>
    61. </values>
    62. </GetSpecificRecordsResponse>
    63. </soap:Body>
    64. </soap:Envelope>
    Alles anzeigen
    Also, Wiimm, I'd like to thank you for making tokens contain information we need about users; Sepalani has started work on TCP GameStats which can use actual user-data thanks to the PID (in other words please don't change the tokens, they're completely fine and work well)

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!
    @Wiimm ups sry i forgot that but thanks for enable the games!

    I tested them and i've updated the templates for the testing report

    Connecting to the server and Friend Codes are working fine but Digimon Matching don't work. I only could test it with my 3DS and desmume wifi emulator (metroid prime hunters works fine in wifi mode with this setup). maybe someone can help out with testing. The clients find themself and around after 1 min they got disconnected
    • digiwrldds.txt

      (3,78 kB, 58 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • digistoryds.txt

      (3,77 kB, 60 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    Meine Konsolen:
    :Smiley_v3_Game_Boy_Color: :Smiley_v3_Game_Boy_Advance_SP: : :Smilie_v2_Nintendo_DS: : :Smiley_v3_Nintendo_GameCube: :Smiley_v3_Nintendo_Wii: + 3DSXL :smilie_samus: Edition
    Gamecube Zubehör: 2x :43px-GCNController.svg: 2x :Smiley_v3_GCN_Wavebird_Controller: 4x :27px-GCNMemoryCard.svg: Wii Zubehör: 2x :Smiley_v3_Wii_Remote: 2x :Smiley_v3_Wii_Nunchuck:
    :26px-WiiDrawing.svg: Firmware 4.3

    Metaridley schrieb:

    @Wiimm ups sry i forgot that but thanks for enable the games!

    I tested them and i've updated the templates for the testing report

    Connecting to the server and Friend Codes are working fine but Digimon Matching don't work. I only could test it with my 3DS and desmume wifi emulator (metroid prime hunters works fine in wifi mode with this setup). maybe someone can help out with testing. The clients find themself and around after 1 min they got disconnected.
    Sure, I can help test. Send me a DM (if you have Discord or similar please send your name across, if not, no worries!)

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!
    [Sorry for double post!]
    Thanks to @Sepalani 's hard work, we now have non-dummy responses for GAMESTATS/TCP!
    This means that for Boom (Fortune) Street no longer shows MAX, and instead now shows the real user's Mii! (This does mean it takes a second or too for it to load but that's fine :P)

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!

    Metaridley schrieb:

    larsenv schrieb:

    Can confirm Digimon Matching works (Thanks @PokeAcer ) - seems to be FULL support then, @Wiimm ?

    Also, TV Show King 2 should be set to FULL now, rankings work.
    have you tested both (DWorld DS US and Story Jap)?
    USA was tested; Japanese we need to find a 100% save for.

    Wiimmfi Services had a forced Azure maintenance; it was either do it now or wait a week and it does it randomly and breaks. I've restarted everything:
    DLS1, DLS2, GAMESTATS/TCP, GAMESTATS/HTTP, Peerchat, all running again, and hopefully running fine. @Wiimm around February I will have to move hosts, but I already know where i am moving and i'll start setting it up on Feb 1 - I'll DM you the new IP to change accordingly for ^^

    I currently host the DLS1, GAMESTATS, and Peerchat server for Wiimmfi. if you have any issues with leaderboards (excluding MKW!), Mystery Gifts or other in-game downloadables, or Pokémon Wi-Fi Plaza, I can try to help!

    Metaridley schrieb:

    I tested them and i've updated the templates for the testing report
    Better is to tell me the changes, because I use a modified version of the file.

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