Is my Wii U loading wuphax.elf correctly?

      Is my Wii U loading wuphax.elf correctly?

      Here is what I need help with. I'm currently trying to download CTGP. I'm using the install guide on chadsoft. I'm not using brawl or those LEGO games, I have never hacked my wii u before. I'm only using a microsd card and an adapter, a wii u with internet connection and the things I had to download at I did everything normal and it worked fine until I got to step step 13. When I did step 12 I got to the homebrew menu. I then clicked on wuphax and clicked load. When I did that, the screen showed for a small bit of time a tiny bar saying that it's loading the thing. Then the bar disappeared. When I clicked the home menu button on my gamepad the console went to the mii channel. I exit the channel, opened the internet browser and instantly was sent to the homebrew channel and tried it again. Of course the tiny bar appeared for a fraction of a second and this process repeats. Why isn't it loading wuphax? :hate2: ?(