ShowMiiWads 1.2 released

      ShowMiiWads 1.2 released

      Leathl hat nun ShowMiiWads 1.2 released. Mit diesem Wad-Datei-Manager lassen sich Wads editieren, aus NAND-Backups packen sowie in NAND-Backups einspielen und noch einiges mehr. .NET Framework 2.0 wird benötigt. Da das editieren von Wads nicht ganz ungefährlich ist, sollte man wissen was man tut und als Sicherungsmaßnahme Bootmii im Boot2 installiert haben.



      Version 1.2
      - Fixed a bug that caused ShowMiiNand not to load the List with the saved entries
      - You can replace Banner and Icon images (the resultant U8's can be Lz77 compressed!)
      - Added Dol Insertion (uses Waninkokos Nandloader)
      - Installation to NAND does now update uid.sys, if required
      - Improved Virtual Console detection to display System (NES, SNES, ...)
      - Fixed U8 Unpacking (Now works with every proper U8 archive)
      - Added batch renaming including variables, e.g. {titleid} (use 'Rename' button)
      - Added ability to Backup and Restore save data
      - Added some Tools (U8 Packing, Lz77 Compression, ...)
      - Deleted 'Pack Wad Without Trailer', just delete the trailer file if you don't want it :P
      - Bugfixes and Improvements

      - Added editing of IOS Slot (Note: Both these features are untested and dangerous!)
      - Added editing of Title Version (Use them at your own risk and only with BootMii/boot2!)