
Would you like to help us pay for the hosting of this forum and the Wiimmfi server? If so, feel free to donate here.


If you would like to donate once using PayPal, click the "Donate now" button on the right. If you would like to donate using Patreon, click the "Become a patron" button in this box.


Note: We are thankful for every donation, however donations of only a few cents are rarely useful, as these will be completely used for the PayPal fees for said donation.

Donations 120

Username Date Donation type Amount
Marc33334 PayPal 9.45 EUR
Guest PayPal 0.12 EUR
Guest PayPal 5.00 EUR
Ansem2942 PayPal 20.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 4.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 0.57 EUR
Guest PayPal 3.00 EUR
Billy549 PayPal 10.00 EUR
Marc33334 PayPal 10.00 EUR
WolfRune PayPal 15.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 10.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 10.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 20.00 EUR
Partitionator PayPal 30.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 5.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 10.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 10.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 50.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 20.00 EUR
Guest PayPal 4.65 EUR