
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • Hi there! I'm playing with libSDL for the Wii/GC with the goal of implementing accelerated blitting. I started making some changes to the library, and my initial idea was that of exposing the EFB as the SDL_Surface pixel area, in order to avoid all those pixel copies that the current SDL Wii module is doing. This kind of works, but despite all the code I've removed, the FPS went down from 50 to 2. The EFB is mapped into the system RAM at two different addresses, one for cached access and one for…

  • Hi all! Is it still the case, that we cannot play free matches with people using another region of PES 2013? I'm online with S3IE, and I see that there's another player with S3IP, but PES doesn't want to match us. Would it be possible to do some server-side trick, to fool PES2013 into believing that we are all from the same region? If it's not being done becuase of a lack of time, please tell me if I can help (I'm a developer), I'd be happy to.

  • Hi all! I'm connected to Wiimmfi from PES2013, and I'm getting a message from the game that there is an update available: I should go to the "download"section of the game and update it. I did try, but then game tells me I'm already using the latest version. It's strange because I usually don't get this message. I see that there's another user connected to PES2013 over wiimmfi, so I wonder, could it be that this user is trying to hack my Wii? Or is this a bug in wiimmfi, maybe?

  • Introducing the Wiimmfi Notifier

    donnie12 - - Wiimmfi (English)


    Thanks Starlight! I actually wanted to write such a bot myself, then decided to do a little search in the forum to make sure it didn't existed already, and... what a nice surprise!