
Suchergebnisse 1-7 von insgesamt 7.

  • Wiimmfi error 23924

    Drew - - Allgemeine Fragen zu Backup Loadern


    I took my iso from my disk which is RMCP01 I extracted the partition out of my iso, added texture mods to it and then put it back into a parittion using Partition builder (in wiiscrubber) and then once done, It works. then I try to connect to Wiimmfi and I get error 23924 (Unknown ID!) Is there a way to fix this!? Tools that I used was WiiScrubber and PartitionBuilder Update: The ISO works on my Real Wii but gets 23924 inside of Dolphin Emulator.

  • Wiimms Mario Kart Fun

    Drew - - Wii-Hacking


    Zitat von eN-t: „Your ISO has a modified main.dol, which means it is not a clean dump. Just create a fresh clean dump of your Mario Kart Wii disc and you should be fine. “ Ok, I will.

  • Wiimms Mario Kart Fun

    Drew - - Wii-Hacking


    Sorry if this is Off-Topic but I couldnt find a better one to put this in. i attempted to convert my iso to a Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2015-08 iso, so I could play CTs Everything worked fine, but the main part was the tracks that went wrong. Is a screenshot of the installer giving me a error, which makes me unable to play the tracks in the ISO. I'll try a Region 129 Race to see if they are there... I don't know what this means but i assume its something to…

  • MKWii: Register a region at Wiimmfi

    Drew - - Wiimmfi (English)


    Zitat von Wiimm: „@Drew: 1.) I can't find "Pathos's Test region" in the region lists 2.) 20xxx are used as new hack regions. “ oops, it was called Pathos's Texture Distribution under 222, but i'll move it to the 20xxx for hacking maybe? cause I'd like it to be for hacking / testing stuff's UPDATE: I cant add to 20XXX, no premission. Can you possibly do it? Not to be wasting you're time or anything. It'll be called "Pathos's Test region" i dont care what region number it is, aslong as it has hack…

  • MKWii: Register a region at Wiimmfi

    Drew - - Wiimmfi (English)


    1) Pathos's Test region 2) Allow 3) none of these. (ive seen regions with all disabled) Making a CT test region, allow hacks please. already added it to the

  • Owning a Region

    Drew - - Wiimmfi (English)


    Zitat von Leseratte: „Enter your region here: Wiimm will then notice your entry on that page and enable that region. “ Ok I did so to region 222! thanks for your help Lesserate!

  • Owning a Region

    Drew - - Wiimmfi (English)


    is it possible to claim ownership of a unused region? because I wanted to create my own region.. However, Since the region is forbidden, and on the wiimmfi page of mkw-regions I didn't see a option to claim a region, are we allowed to, cause my friend CodyMKW claimed one not too long ago I would like to claim any region (hopefully 223)…5599f8880a64b6362dbbc6ac0\ Thanks Drew.