Pinned Wiimms SZS Tools

      Wiimms SZS Tools

      Soeben habe ich Wiimms SZS Tools v2.21a freigegeben.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v2.21a r8311 - 2020-11-30
      2. - Windows only: 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Cygwin are supported now.
      3. The 64 bit version is recommended.
      4. - 32 bit version: Cygwin DLL 3.0.7 / 2019-04-30
      5. - 64 bit version: Cygwin DLL 3.1.7 / 2020-08-22
      6. - Support of LE-CODE build 25:
      7. - Speedometer support for LPAR-files.
      8. - New option for wlect: --speedometer=off/on
      9. - Again fewer program crashes when reading faulty SZS files.
      10. - BMG supports little endian files now, but only encoding UTF-8 was checked.
      11. I need example files to verify other encodings (CP-1252,UTF-16,SHIFT-JIS).
      12. - KCL/OBJ: Faces with any number of vertices are accepted now. Before there
      13. was a limit of 50 vertices.
      14. - Bug fix for CT-CODE/LE-CODE configuration file: Command 'S' stored a slot
      15. number as single byte, so that only values between 0 and 255 were possible.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.

      The post was edited 76 times, last by Wiimm ().

      Ich habe das erste Release veröffentlicht. Veränderungen im Vergleich zur vorherigen beta:
      • Bug fix for "wstsz CREATE": Wrong calculation of parent directory link.
      • New option: wstsz CREATE --align: Overwrite the default aligment (32=0x20).
      • wstsz LIST: If --long is set three times debugging mode is enabled.
      • wstsz LIST: If listing a directory, then a virtual SZS file is created (like CREATE do it) and listed.
      • New command: wszst DIFF: Compare two sources (each SZS, U8 or directory) on file level and report mismatches for each sub file.
      • TESTS: I have replaced all files of Scene/UI and Race/Course and can playing it without any problems.

      Download und mehr Details: Wiimms SZS Tools

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Ein neues Tool ist da: wbmgt (Wiimms BMG Tool)
      * Features
      * Download

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I habe gerade eben Wiimms SZS Tools v0.03a freigegeben.

      Alle meine Wünsche habe ich implementiert; beide Tools (wszst+wbmgt) sind aus meiner Sicht komplett.

      Das Hauptziel war die automatische Ersetzung der Streckennamen von Mario Kart in alle Dateien mit Mitteilungen für alles Sprache. Für die PAL Version müssen hierzu 50 SZS Dateien entpackt, die Mitteilungsdateien angepasst und die SZS Dateien wieder erzeugt werden. Auf meinem Linux.Entwicklungsrechner benötige ich dafür gerade nal 4 Sekunden.

      * features
      * download

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Erst einmal möchte ich mich bei dir für deine Tools bedanken - sie nehmen einem viel Arbeit ab, die sonst mühsam und Zeitaufwendig ist

      Allerdings habe ich ein kleines Problem mit deinem SZS Tools, und zwar mit der Funktion Compress - die .szs Dateien die dabei entstehen haben eine Größe von 0KB, was ja irgendwie nicht normal sein kann.

      Diesbezüglich 2 Fragen:
      1. Müssen die zu komprimierenden .szs Dateien vorher mit Create erstellt werden bevor das Komprimieren klappt?
      2. Ist mein Syntax möglicherweise falsch? Ich versuche es jeweils mit folgendem Syntax:

      Source Code

      1. wszst COMPRESS (Name der zu erstellenden .szs Datei)

      Source Code

      1. wszst COMPRESS (Name der zu erstellenden .szs Datei) -C 9

      Ich habe auch versucht die .szs Dateien erst mit Hilfe von Create zu erzeugen und dann zu komprimieren, scheint auf den ersten Blick zu funktionieren, nur leider ist zwischen den unkomprimierten und komprimierten Dateien kein Unterschied zu erkennen.

      Soviel zu meinen Problemen, vielen Dank für deine Hilfe im Vorraus
      Die Frage ist, welche Version (Nummer und OS) du nutzt. Aktuell ist 0.04, was ich wohl hier vergessen habe anzukündigen.
      Bei 0.03 war ein bug drin, dass es eine leere SZS erstellt, wenn keine Quelle da ist.

      Und da sind wir bei deiner 2. Frage:
      Man muss natürlich wissen, was er komprimieren soll. In der Kommandozeile wird die Quelle angegeben. Es es eine *szs-Datei, dann wird sie geladen, neu gepackt und überschrieben. Anderenfalls wird eine neue SZS Datei erzeugt.

      Willst du ein Verzeichnis packen, dann musst du "wszst create source_dir" verwenden. Und notfalls einfach mal "wszst help" aufrufen oder gleich hier schauen:
      Bei COMPRESS habe ich mich wohl ein wenig mehrdeutig ausgedrückt -- nobody is perfect ;)

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I habe eine neue Version freigegeben: Wiimms SZS Tools v0.05a.

      I habe einige kleinere Fehler beseitigt und noch vie mehr Dinge im Detail verbessert:

      Source Code

      1. - Code view & fine tuning (many little things...)
      2. - wszst NORMALIZE: Bug fixed if source does not contain a "." directory.
      3. - wszst CREATE+NORMALIZE: The files are ordered like Nintendo does it.
      4. - New command: wszst SHA1: calculate and print the SHA1 checksum of
      5. the decompressed data of all source files.
      6. - wszst+wbmgt DIFF: If option --dest is set then all sources are compared
      7. with the destination.
      8. - New option: wszst --pdir (`point directory'): Decides if a base directory
      9. named "." should be created. Modes are: REMOVE, AUTO, FORCE.
      10. - New option: --preserve: If set, mtime and atime of the source(s) are used
      11. to set the destination time stamps.
      12. - wbmgt: If creating a text BMG file option --ho-header (or -H) suppresses
      13. the output of the syntax information section.
      14. - wbmgt: If creating a text BMG file the message IDs for tracks, battle
      15. tracks and chat messages will be replaced by 'Txx', 'Uxx' and 'Mxx'.
      16. This feature is disabled if option ---long is set.
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      * Eigenschaften
      * Download
      * Custom Mario Kart Wiiki

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I habe eine neue Version herausgebracht: Wiimms SZS Tools v0.06a.

      Was ist neu?
      • Tool wszst kann nun BRRES-Dateien ohne Vorlage erzeugen. Dazu werden alle Dateien eine Verzeichnisstruktur kopiert.

      • Tool wszst kann SZS, U8 and BRRES Archive nun rekursiv extrahieren und erstellen. Dieses macht den Zugriff auf einzelnen Komponenten extrem einfach.

      • Tool wszst kann nun direkt beim Extrahieren oder Erzeugen von Archiven BMG Dateien decodieren oder kodieren.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.06a r2540 - 2011-04-27
      2. - If extracting a SZS, U8 or BRRES archive a file named 'wszst-setup.txt' is
      3. created. It contains some infos for a following creation.
      4. - New option --ignore-setup: Ignore setup file 'wszst-setup.txt'.
      5. - Option --pdir renamed to --pt-dir. --pdir is still allowed.
      6. - wszst CREATE: Can now create a BRRES file as copy of a directory structure.
      7. - wbmgt: If creating text BMG files, than unicode escapes "\z{801,hexnum}"
      8. are written as \u{hexnum}. v0.05a can already scan such unicode escapes.
      9. - wbmgt: new patch mode "print": create a new text using %s-escapes (like
      10. print functions) to insert the old one.
      11. - "wszst EXTRACT" can extract recursive and can decode BMG files on the fly.
      12. This is controlled by the options --recurse, --decode and --all. All needed
      13. information for recreation is stored in the setup file 'wszst-setup.txt'.
      14. - "wszst CREATE" creates a recursive directory structure created by EXTRACT
      15. using 'wszst-setup.txt' as script. Files will be encoded again.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      BRRES erzeugen ist allerdings fehlerhaft und auch chadderz hat damit so seine Probleme -- ich arbeite daran.

      Dafür kann meine aktuelle Arbeitskopie rekursiv entpacken und anzeigen (also z.B. BRRES in SZS).

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Ich habe ein Update auf v0.08a gemacht:

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Wegen des geringen Interesses habe ich keine Lust auf eine Übersetzung -- dennoch sollt ihr nicht dumm sterben ;)


      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.09a.

      What's new:
      • New tool: wstrt: Wiimms StaticR Tool: manipulate StaticR files of MKW.
      • 2 new option for all 3 tools: --tracks and --arenas: Define a new track and/or arena order.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.08a r2617 - 2011-05-12
      2. - Improved support for BRRES sub file versions (more string pointers).
      3. - wszst EXTRACT --raw: Extract BRRES sub file in raw mode and do not adjust
      4. string pointers and other offsets.
      5. szs v0.09a r2636 - 2011-05-17
      6. - New tool: wstrt: Wiimms StaticR Tool: manipulate StaticR files of MKW.
      7. - It can analyze StaticR files and detects CTGP 4.4. patches and
      8. modifications of track and arena orders.
      9. - It can patch StaticR files and modifies the track and arena order.
      10. So it is possible to move tracks with special features (like snow
      11. or fog) to other slots.
      12. - Commands TRACKS and ARENAS show details about tracks and arenas.
      13. The order may be in StaticR related order.
      14. - Command FILES shows the track and sound file names of all tracks and
      15. arenas in machine readable format (not vertically formatted, one space
      16. to separate columns). The order may be in 'StaticR' related order.
      17. IMPORTANT: wstrt is EXPERIMENTAL!
      18. - New option: --tracks=list: This option allow to define a new track order
      19. for Mario Kart Wii. Tool wstrt uses this option for patching the track
      20. order. Tools wszst and wbmgt use this to define the relation between Txx
      21. and real message IDs.
      22. - New option: --arenas=list: Does the same for arenas as --tracks for tracks.
      23. Known bugs:
      24. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      25. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.10a.

      What's new:
      • wstrt (Wiimms StaticR Tool): support of JAP and KOREA version of StaticR files.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.09a r2636 - 2011-05-17
      2. - New tool: wstrt: Wiimms StaticR Tool: manipulate StaticR files of MKW.
      3. - It can analyze StaticR files and detects CTGP 4.4. patches and
      4. modifications of track and arena orders.
      5. - It can patch StaticR files and modifies the track and arena order.
      6. So it is possible to move tracks with special features (like snow
      7. or fog) to other slots.
      8. - Commands TRACKS and ARENAS show details about tracks and arenas.
      9. The order may be in StaticR related order.
      10. - Command FILES shows the track and sound file names of all tracks and
      11. arenas in machine readable format (not vertically formatted, one space
      12. to separate columns). The order may be in 'StaticR' related order.
      13. IMPORTANT: wstrt is EXPERIMENTAL!
      14. - New option: --tracks=list: This option allow to define a new track order
      15. for Mario Kart Wii. Tool wstrt uses this option for patching the track
      16. order. Tools wszst and wbmgt use this to define the relation between Txx
      17. and real message IDs.
      18. - New option: --arenas=list: Does the same for arenas as --tracks for tracks.
      19. szs v0.10a r2651 - 2011-05-21
      20. - wstrt: Support for NTSC/JAP and KOREA version of StaticR.rel.
      21. - wstrt: new command: FIND: Find tracks and arenas by name.
      22. Known bugs:
      23. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      24. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.11a.

      What's new:
      • Tool wszst can now list and extract BREFF and BREFT files.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.10a r2651 - 2011-05-21
      2. - wstrt: Support for NTSC/JAP and KOREA version of StaticR.rel.
      3. - wstrt: new command: FIND: Find tracks and arenas by name.
      4. szs v0.11a r2670 - 2011-06-04
      5. - New option: --single-line (-1): No continuation lines for BMG text output.
      6. - Support for BREFF and BREFT files: Listing and extraction, but not creation:
      7. - wszst LIST: List also BREFF and BREFT files inlcuding recursive lists.
      8. - wszst EXTRACT: Extract also BREFF and BRRES files. Recursive extraction
      9. of theses file types is implemented but disabled because of not
      10. implemented creation support.
      11. Known bugs:
      12. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      13. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      14. - Creating BREFF and BREFT file is not implemented yet.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.12a.

      What's new:
      • Tool wszst can now list, extract and create BREFF and BREFT files.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.11a r2670 - 2011-06-04
      2. - New option: --single-line (-1): No continuation lines for BMG text output.
      3. - Support for BREFF and BREFT files: Listing and extraction, but not creation:
      4. - wszst LIST: List also BREFF and BREFT files inlcuding recursive lists.
      5. - wszst EXTRACT: Extract also BREFF and BRRES files. Recursive extraction
      6. of theses file types is implemented but disabled because of not
      7. implemented creation support.
      8. szs v0.12a r2693 - 2011-06-16
      9. - Bug fix for Windows install script: Remove duplicate SZS entries from PATH.
      10. - wszst CREATE: Create BREFF and BREFT files.
      11. Known bugs:
      12. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      13. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Wegen des nur relativ geringem Interesses spare ich mir die Übersetzung:

      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.13a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • Tool wszst can now export images to PNG files while extracting. Try "wszst extract --all MY.szs" and traverse the new directory "MY.d".
      • If tool wszst creates an archive, to looks for new PNG files and convert them back to the internal file and image format.
      • The new tool wimgt list files and geometry data.
      • The new tool wimgt converts images between file and image formats.
      • Supported file formats: BREFT subfiles, TPL, TEX0 and PNG.
      • Supported image formats: I4, I8, IA4, IA8, RGB565, RGB5A3, RGBA32, C4, C8, C14X2, CMPR and PNG.

      I'll write a guide how to convert images in the next days.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.13a r2840 - 2011-07-09
      2. - Bug fix for tool wszst: Tool chrashed when creating BRRES files with empty
      3. sub directories.
      4. - wszst: Export of internal images (BREFT subfiles, TPL, TEX0) to PNG files
      5. is done while extracting archives if decoding is enabled. Supported image
      6. formats: I4, I8, IA4, IA8, RGB565, RGB5A3, RGBA32, C4, C8, C14X2 and CMPR.
      7. - New tool: wimgt = Wiimms Image Tool : Convert and manage images files.
      8. Supported file types: BREFT subfiles, TPL, TEX0 and PNG.
      9. - wimgt LIST: List images files and print types and geometry data.
      10. - wimgt DECODE: Export an internal image to a PNG file.
      11. - wimgt ENCODE: Import PNG images and store them in internal formats.
      12. - wimgt CONVERT: Convert formats (file and image format).
      13. - All tools: new command FILETYPE (=FT): Scan the header of the entered files
      14. and print file type and path for each file as list.
      15. Known bugs:
      16. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      17. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      18. - Creating TPL images files with more than 1 image is not supported yet.
      19. Only file 'savebanner.tpl' is known to have 2 images.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Wegen des nur relativ geringem Interesses spare ich mir die Übersetzung:

      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.15a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • The new tool wkmpt can decode (convert to text) and encode (convert to binary) KMP files.
      • Command wkmpt DECODE converts each source file into text mode. These text files can be edited with any text editor and it's complete power. Also script or other text tools may manipulated theses text files.
      • Command wkmpt ENCODE converts each source file into raw mode. Indexing and grouping are done automatically. Some other automatic calculations can be enabled by switches within the text files.
      • Tool wszst can now decodes KMP files while extracting. Try wszst extract --decode MY.szs and traverse the new directory "MY.d".
      • If tool wszst creates an archive, to looks for new KMP text files and convert them back to the internal KMP file format.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.15a r2917 - 2011-08-07
      2. - New tool: wkmpt: Wiimms KMP Tool
      3. - wkmpt DECODE: Decode a binary KMP file and store the results
      4. as user friendly, but machine readable text file.
      5. - wkmpt ENCODE: Encode a text KMP file and store the results binary.
      6. Indexing and grouping and some other stuff are done automatically.
      7. - wszst EXTRACT: KMP files are decoded automatically.
      8. - wszst CREATE: Encode KMP files automatically if changed.
      9. - New image options for wszst: --transform= --encode-img
      10. Known bugs:
      11. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      12. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      13. - Creating TPL images files with more than 1 image is not supported yet.
      14. Only file 'savebanner.tpl' is known to have 2 images.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.17a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • The new tool wkmpt can decode (convert to text) and encode (convert to binary) KMP files.
      • Command wkmpt DECODE converts each source file into text mode. These text files can be edited with any text editor and it's complete power. Also script or other text tools may manipulated theses text files.
      • Command wkmpt ENCODE converts each source file into raw mode. Indexing and grouping are done automatically. Some other automatic calculations can be enabled by switches within the text files.
      • Tool wszst can now decodes KMP files while extracting. Try wszst extract --decode MY.szs and traverse the new directory "MY.d".
      • If tool wszst creates an archive, to looks for new KMP text files and convert them back to the internal KMP file format.
      • Since this release, internal links to other sections (CAME+GOBJ to POTI, CKPT to JGPT) can use names instead of numbers. This makes list modifications (inserting, removing, reordering) much easier. The text export uses automatically generic names as predefinition.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.17a r2941 - 2011-08-16
      2. - Scan KMP text: Correct line numbers in error messages.
      3. - KMP: [CAME], [GOBJ] and [CHKT] entries can use names to point to the route
      4. or respawn entries into the [POST] or [JGPT] sections. This makes list
      5. modifications (inserting, removing, reordering) much easier.
      6. - KMP: Parameter '@AUTO-ID=1' enables automatic setting of ID values.
      7. - KMP text export:
      8. - Improved and more detailed documentation.
      9. - The sections are now sorted alphabetically.
      10. - Links into other section uses generic names instead of index numbers.
      11. Known bugs:
      12. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      13. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      14. - Creating TPL images files with more than 1 image is not supported yet.
      15. Only file 'savebanner.tpl' is known to have 2 images.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.18a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • The new tool wkmpt can decode (convert to text) and encode (convert to binary) KMP files. Both operations are improved and support now variables instead of indices. This makes list modifications (inserting, removing, reordering) much easier. See the examples below.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.18a r2959 - 2011-08-26
      2. - KMP: Improved text output with additinal infos.
      3. - KMP: More intelligent group naming.
      4. - KMP: Linear calculated points in CKPT, ENPT and ITPT.
      5. - KMP: User may define local and global variables.
      6. - KMP: Objects can be referenced my name (eg. o$itembox).
      7. - KMP: Inter section links (AREA->CAME, CAME->POTI, GOBJ->POTI, CKPT->JGPT)
      8. using names instead of indices. This allows easy reorganisation.
      9. - KMP: AREA+CAME syntax (table layout) changed, old format stays compatible.
      10. Known bugs:
      11. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      12. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      13. - Creating TPL images files with more than 1 image is not supported yet.
      14. Only file 'savebanner.tpl' is known to have 2 images.
      Display All


      Example: Check + respawn points:
      Display Spoiler

      Source Code

      1. #CKPT#
      2. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. # _____start_point_____ ______end_point______ respawn prev
      4. #idx x y x y mode next
      5. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      6. ...
      7. $GROUP G2, next: G3A G3B
      8. # == section 5, prev: s1, next: s8 s9
      9. 12 36400.000 -31600.000 28400.000 -31600.000 j3 -1 11 13
      10. 13 33550.000 -24850.000 25400.000 -28500.000 j3a -1 12 14
      11. $LINE 2
      12. 14 33400.000 -24400.000 24800.000 -21700.000 j4 -1 13 15
      13. ...
      Display All

      Grouping/sectioning is done by inserting "$GROUP" lines. Names are used for links. The KMP Modifier section names are printed as comment for easier orientation.

      Source Code

      1. #JGPT#
      2. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. # _____________position_____________ _______rotation________ related
      4. #idx x y z x y z id effect
      5. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      6. ...
      7. j3 23100.000 750.000 -30700.000 0.00 157.00 0.00 2 0xffff
      8. j3a 31353.293 1417.722 -34329.320 0.00 30.00 0.00 3 0xffff
      9. j4 28920.000 2414.103 -23650.000 0.00 19.00 0.00 4 0xffff
      10. ...

      This corresponding JPTP section. "j3a" is a new point, renaming of th others does the encoder.

      Example: objects + routes:
      Display Spoiler

      Source Code

      1. #GOBJ#
      2. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. # obj-id ______position/rotation/scale______ _________settings_________ route
      4. #idx /unknw x y z #1/#5 #2/#6 #3/#7 #4/#8 /p-flag
      5. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      6. # o$itembox : An itembox
      7. o8 0x65 9563.316 1.000 8366.569 0 0 0 0 -1
      8. > 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 0 0x3f
      9. > 1.000 1.000 1.000
      10. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      11. # o$f_itembox : Moving itembox (explodes)
      12. o9 0xc9 45211.914 9680.000 32788.789 0x32 0 0 0 r5
      13. > 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 0 0x3f
      14. > 1.000 1.000 1.000
      15. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Display All

      This is the definition of 2 item boxes. The comments explain the object type. The route is referenced by name.

      Source Code

      1. #POTI#
      2. #--------------------------------------------------------
      3. # _____________position_____________ __settings__
      4. #idx x y z #1 #2
      5. #--------------------------------------------------------
      6. $ROUTE r5, settings: 0x101
      7. # GOBJ reference: 6 7 9 79
      8. 1 46018.512 9680.000 20785.742 0xc 0
      9. 2 41915.566 9680.000 15091.461 0xc 0
      10. 3 31791.070 9680.000 15837.438 0xc 0
      11. 4 29012.793 9680.000 9291.073 0xc 0
      12. 5 30221.631 9680.000 -501.291 0xc 0
      13. 6 25380.010 9680.000 -3120.385 0xc 0
      14. 7 24102.535 9680.000 -8507.992 0xc 0
      15. 8 17311.211 9680.000 -11962.936 0xc 0
      16. 9 13300.522 9680.000 -10459.839 0xc 0
      Display All

      This corresponding POTI section. A comment lists the objects using this route.

      Example: Camera:
      Display Spoiler

      Source Code

      1. #CAME#
      2. #--------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. #idx type ________position (x,y,z)________ zoom_beg
      4. # next 4x ________unknown (x,y,z)________ zoom_end
      5. # unknown settings ________view point (x,y,z)________ -
      6. # route ________view dest (x,y,z)________ time
      7. #--------------------------------------------------------------------
      8. c6 2 0 -5879.912 14726.437 7036.634 53.000
      9. > c7 0x8 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.000
      10. > 0 0 30.000 -1.000 550.000
      11. > r11 0 5.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
      12. #--------------------------------------------------------------------
      Display All

      This is a camera route. Again names are used for all links.

      Source Code

      1. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. # mode type _____position/rotation/scale______ _________settings_________
      3. #idx id unknown x y z #1 #2 #3 #4
      4. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. a0 0 0 -179.760 -5801.323 8313.767 0 0 0xffff 0
      6. > c6 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
      7. > 1.000 2.000 1.300
      8. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      And here is a area entry linked to the camera entry above.

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.19a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • The KMP encoder/compiler (included into the tools wkmpt and wszst) supports now:
        • Predefined variables via command line.
        • Local and global variabels in the source file.
        • C like arithmetic expressions.
        • Nested @IF..@ELIF..@ELSE..@ENDIF structures.

        This means yo can write generic and conditional KMP files.
      • If genereting a KMP text file it contains much more info like distance and direction info or settings info for global variables.
      • It is possible to Cut&Paste from SZS Modifier's KMP Editor to a KMP text file. Set "@SZS-MODIFIER = 1" to enable the other syntax.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.19a r3033 - 2011-09-15
      2. - New option: --const NAME=VALUE,...
      3. With this option the user can predefine variables in the command line.
      4. - KMP scanner supports C like arithmetic expressions.
      5. - KMP scanner supports nested @IF..@ELIF..@ELSE..@ENDIF structures.
      6. - The KMP scanner accept copy&paste text of the SZS-Modifier, if parameter
      7. @SZS-MODIFIER is set to 1.
      8. - If decoding a KMP text file, names of entries of the source are used
      9. instead of generic names while creating the destination output.
      10. - Object infos (name, short description, parameters) are inluded into the
      11. KMP object list.
      12. - A decoded KMP file contains a template for parameters and conditional
      13. encoding. Option --no-param (-P) disables the template.
      14. - Several small KMP decoding+encoding improvements.
      15. - New command: wkmpt SYMBOLS: Print a table with all predefined symbols.
      16. - wszst CAT --decode: Decode files before output if possible.
      17. - New command: wszst KMP: Open the sub file @course.kmp@, decode and print it.
      18. - New command: wszst INFO: Print the content of the subfile 'info.txt'
      19. or 'credits.txt' (first found file used, case ignored).
      20. Known bugs:
      21. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      22. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      23. - Creating TPL images files with more than 1 image is not supported yet.
      24. Only file 'savebanner.tpl' is known to have 2 images.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.20a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • The KMP encoder and decoder have been improved again (see change log for details). For the moment I have finshed my KMP work.
      • The Mac support changed (my host has a new installation)
        • The new LIBPNG does not support PPC. So I must discontinue PPC support, sorry.
        • LIBPNG is now linked static. So there is no longer a need for Mac users to install LIBPNG.

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.20a r3069 - 2011-09-30
      2. - Bug fix for KMP decoding: A wrong name was written for the opening camera.
      3. - New option: --brief: Create KMP text files without most info lines. If set
      4. twice, the output of unneeded sections is also suppressed.
      5. - Tools exit with error status on encoding errors.
      6. - The new KMP command '$BEZIER' works similar like '$LINE' and create
      7. quadratic and cubic bezier curves for CKPT, ENPT, ITPT and POTI sections.
      8. - New KMP commands: @ECHO and @WARN: Print a message or a warning.
      9. - New option: --no-echo: Suppress messages made by the new '@ECHO' command.
      10. - The KMP encoder and decoder support a free info string. It is stored at
      11. and load from the end of the KMP file behind all sections.
      12. - Mac: Support for PPC disabled, because the new LIBPNG does not support it.
      13. - Mac: LIBPNG is now linked static. So there is no longer a need for Mac
      14. users to install LIBPNG.
      15. Known bugs:
      16. - If creating a BRRES the internal name of the sub file is not set to
      17. the filename. This could be problematic if a sub file was renamed.
      18. - Creating TPL images files with more than 1 image is not supported yet.
      19. Only file 'savebanner.tpl' is known to have 2 images.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.21a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • I have improved the mipmap and multi image handling:
        • If reading a TEX0 or BREFT file, mipmaps are scanned too and stored for further actions. If reading a TPL, all images are scanned too and stored for further actions. If reading a PNG from file 'name.png', the tools search for other files named ''.
        • If saving TPL all images are stored. If saving a BREFT or TEX, the mipmaps are resized if needed and stored. Additional mipmaps may be generated automatically. If save as PNG, multiple files are created.
        • I have fixed some bugs of the previous beta.

      • Camera support of the KMP decoder+compiler improved.

      • More options to list archive files (SZS, U8, BRRES; ...) to improve the diagnostic and analysis:
        • Listing of images with geometry info.
        • List the peaces (headers, groups, sections, ...) of files.
        • New command wszst MEMORY list memory locations down to peaces of files.

      Example for images:
      • Decode a TEX file: wimgt dec name.tex
      • Change the generated PNG files.
      • Encode: wimgt encode name.png --convert=tex.cmpr --n-mipmaps=4

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.21a.beta1 r3092 - 2011-10-09
      2. - New wszst commands: XDECODE (=XD) as short cut for "EXTRACT --decode" and
      3. XALL (=XA) as short cut for "EXTRACT --all".
      4. - KMP encoder: Support of names for route points (section POTI).
      5. - Mipmap support improved:
      6. - If reading a TEX or BREFT, all mipmaps are scanned and internal stored.
      7. - If reading a TPL file, all images are scanned internal stored.
      8. - If reading a PNG, the tools search mipmap files.
      9. - If storing a PNG, one PNG file is created for each image.
      10. - If saving a format, all images are saved. The mipmaps of TEX and BREFT
      11. are resized to have the correct size (half of the previos image).
      12. - Option --no-mipmaps disables mipmap support.
      13. - Option --n-mipmaps=NUM force the number of mipmaps. If needed, the
      14. missing mipmaps are created from the existing images.
      15. szs v0.21a r3142 - 2011-10-29
      16. - Windows version only: Update to Cygwin DLL 1.7.9-1
      17. - Bug fix: If creating a TEX from multiple PNG files, sometimes not all
      18. PNG sources were used.
      19. - Bug fix: If extracting BRRES files, the informative file '.string-pool.txt'
      20. was sometimes empty.
      21. - The KMP/CAME text output contains now comments about camera, zoom and view
      22. point durations. This helps to find out a good camera setup.
      23. - KMP/CAME scanning: If zoom or view point speed is set to value -1, then the
      24. value is calculated so that the time coincides with the camera running time.
      25. - Internal object database updated.
      26. - The following points improve the diagnostic and analysis features:
      27. - New wszst command: ILIST (or IL): List all images of an archive. To view
      28. all sub archives recursivley, set option --all. Command ILL and ILLL are
      29. short cuts for 'ILIST --long' and 'ILIST --long --long'.
      30. - New option for tool wszst: --sort (-S): Define a sorting method for the
      31. output of commands LIST and ILIST.
      32. - New wszst command: MEMORY: Print a (recursive) memory map of all sources.
      33. - New option --cut for "wszst LIST" and "wszst MEMORY": Cut different non
      34. archive files into peaces (headers, groups, sections, ...) and list these
      35. peaces as single sub files for a more detailed analysis.
      36. Supported file types: BMG, BREFT-IMG, KMP, TEX, TPL and BRRES sub files.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.22a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • Again KMP stuff.
        • The new command "wkmpt CHECK" makes a plausibility check for KMP files (binary or text). This should help to find KMP errors. See online docu for a list of checks.

        • This plausibility check is done automatically each time a KMP file is read. This automatic check is suppressed by option --no-check.

        • The new comamnd "wkmpt OBJECTS" search objects in the internal object database using the entered keywords and print infos about each found object. A online query is also available:

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.22a r3166 - 2011-11-06
      2. - The KMP encoder is now a 2 pass compiler and the whole source is scanned
      3. twice. In pass 1 only names are defined and warnings are suppressed. In
      4. pass 2 all objects are defined.
      5. - KMP logging: The job info line is now printed before warnings.
      6. - Some new CAME+POTI variables are defined automatically as help for
      7. calculated parameters, e.g. came.time or viewpt.len.
      8. - If decoding or encoding a KMP, a plausibility check is done. This should
      9. help to find KMP errors. Option --no-check disables this check. You can
      10. find a detailed list of all checks on the tools website:
      11. *
      12. - New command: wkmpt CHECK: Run a KMP check and return 'DIFFER' on exit
      13. status if any KMP error found.
      14. - New command: wkmpt OBJECTS: Search objects in the internal object database
      15. using the entered keywords and print infos about each found object.
      16. Options --brief and --long control the verbosity of output. A online query
      17. is also available:
      18. - Internal object database updated.
      19. - KMP compiler/POTI: New command '$COPY': Copy some or all points from
      20. previous defined routes.
      21. - KMP compiler/POTI: New commands @shift-route, @hrotate-route, @scale-route:
      22. These commands transform all points of a route.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      I have released Wiimms SZS Tools v0.23a.
      (A command line toolset for Linux, Mac and Windows)

      What's new:
      • Again KMP stuff:
        • Functions for calcualtion and to access already defined data.
        • Datatyp vector for variables.

      • The tool wstrt (Wiimms STaticR Tool) may now detect and define region settings for online playing (Thanx to Bean+Tock +...).

      Change Log:

      Source Code

      1. szs v0.23a r3243 - 2011-11-25
      2. - New command: wkmpt CAT: Print decoded KMP files to stdout.
      3. - New option for wkmpt: --generic: Use generic names as references instead
      4. of the names scanned from the source file.
      5. - "wszst DIFF" supports now --recurse and --cut (and --all) to list
      6. differences on sub file level.
      7. - Support of 3D vector variables and parser functions:
      8. - New @DEF* and @GDEF* commands to define variables. The old @NUM, @GNUM,
      9. @INT... are stil possible.
      10. - Parser functions implemented, e.g. sin(x), hRot(pt,deg,[origin]). All
      11. values of all KMP objects can be read by functions.
      12. - New command: wkmpt FUNCTIONS: Print a return type and syntax info about
      13. all parser functions. If --long is set, a little description is added.
      14. The output can be filters by keywords.
      15. - New command: wkmpt CALCULATE: Calculate each expression and print the
      16. result to standard output.
      17. - Tool wstrt can now detect and patch region settings:
      18. - wstrt ANALYZE: If a region patch is detected, a message is printed.
      19. - wstrt PATCH --region=val: Patch a StaticR.rel to the entered region or,
      20. if 'val' is 'RESET', restore it to the original Nintendo values.
      Display All


      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.
      Die Streckennamen stecken in den Dateien /Scene/UI/*_X.szs drin. Man muss im Prinzip alle Dateien entpacken und dann in allen *.bmg Dateien die die Streckennamen austauschen. Genau das macht mein Patcher für MKW.

      Vlt. hilft dir das weiter:…ow_To#Replace_Track_Names

      WIT: Wiimms ISO Tools
      Verwaltet Plain ISO, WDF, WIA, CISO, WBFS, FST: kann Extrahieren, Erstellen, Patchen, Mischen und Überprüfen

      SZS: Wiimms SZS Tools
      Verwaltet SZS-, BRRES-, U8-, BMG-, BREFT-Dateien uvm.

      PN ohne persönlichen Charakter werden ignoriert. Support-Anfragen gehören ins Forum.