3DSident v0.7.3 veröffentlicht.

  • 3DS-Homebrew

    3DSident v0.7.3 veröffentlicht.

    Joel16 hat heute der Homebrew App 3DSident ein Update spendiert. 3DSident ist ein Tool, dass dir viele Informationen deines 3DS bietet. Änderungen der Version 0.7.3 kann dem Changelog entnommen werden.

    joel16 schrieb:

    • Now displays current brightness.
    • Fixed home button crash.
    • Same as above.
    • Now displays if debug mode is enabled under misc menu.
    • Now uses new homebrew logo with updated buildtools.
    • Minor adjustments to GUI's text placement.
    Please consider using the GUI since it no longer requires you to load external data + it does have some exclusive features. Overall it is cleaner and better supported. Also as always, 3DSX builds are no longer supported but they are here to assist in the downgrading process.

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