Wiimmfi and Mario Strikers Charged

      Wiimmfi and Mario Strikers Charged

      I'm making my first post here because I tried to reach devs on reddit but I guess nobody is seeing my thread out there.
      I digged the existing threads and I know Console and Dolphin won't work because of a weird sync error that's caused by Dolphin but they might bring a fix.

      Simply put, I'm a tournament organizer on Mario Strikers Charged and my request was :

      Is It possible to allow dolphin nands for specific games like Mario Strikers Charged? Because afaik, the reasoning behind banning dolphin nands was to put an end to cheaters in mario kart wii it seems.

      Thing is other games like Mario Strikers Charged already have an anti-cheat system that instantly stop the match when one use item hacks. I know it's possible to dump a nand but not everyone knows how to do it and idk if it's possible for me to simply share my Nand so everyone can use it. If I can share my nand would it be possible to restrict my console ID to Mario Strikers Charged so no-one can use my nand on any other game like Mario Kart for cheats?

      I'd like to run every online events on this game with wiimmfi for everyone (Wii+Dolphin) and not have players unable to participate because some features are locked behind wiimmfi.

      Thanks in advance for your help

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von ImSpiker ()

      There are still a few obnoxious codes that do work online, though, right? I've not seen it personally, but I've heard tell of a code that allows the host to reassign their opponent's team, which in a game like Strikers could be pretty obnoxious and without the ability to remove such players, could turn into a real pain. It is good that the game does have very strong synchronisation checking, though; Brawl should take notes and MKW is sobbing in a corner by comparison :P
      Your quick answer was much appreciated although i'm not sure to get your point.
      Basically you say there is still potential for cheats?
      Because the cheat code you're talking about certainly doesn't exist anymore and 99% of mario strikers charged players are all known to the discord where i'm hosting tournaments and we only use friend codes to play custom matches.

      The only ocarina codes i'm aware of are benevolent codes such as a fix to weird glitches that gave guaranteed goals.

      Cheats are forbidden anyways so I really don't see under what circumstances that game could be plagued like mario kart which is a game that was known for its community of cheaters in comparison (4TW/4TL shenanigans). Heck, even Troy make videos where he shows some of his cheats in custom rooms.

      Let's say i'm sharing my nand, is it possible to restrict my console Id to mario strikers charged or it adds too much complexity? Honestly I would donate if we could have that, i really mean it because we have lots of issues as eshop won't work with Wiimmfi and the dns method on Wii U isn't working for Mario Strikers Charged either.
      Most can't play just because they need to install hbc plus add to that the fact that we have to use an iso patcher every year or Wiimmfi isnt working anymore for us, that's just pain honestly..

      All i know it's that In 3 years i've never seen a single cheater and if there is one it would have been known real quick because nobody has cheats, they barely know how to run homebrews ^^"
      My point is basically that, if you remove the ability to ban players (which is what allowing a generic NAND would do), then it leaves the game open to exploitation in future. Also, no, that code I mentioned will definitely still exist on the Internet and if someone with a generic NAND used it and messed up the public matchmaking service, that'd be a pain. I know you guys don't use the public matchmaking much, if at all, but if the game ever gains any kind of resurgence then it'd be a shame for it to be hampered by cheaters that we can do precisely nothing about.

      I suppose it might be possible to limit Dolphin with generic NAND or a dedicated Strikers NAND to playing only in private lobbies, since then that could be fairly easily regulated by you guys, and then in the event some major exploit is found involving private rooms that requires banning players, revoke generic NAND access again at that point. Of course, I don't run Wiimmfi so that'd be up to Wiimm to implement, if he has the time and thinks this idea is sensible. Seems like a lot of work, though.
      Got it.
      When you say
      "if the game ever gains any kind of resurgence then it'd be a shame for it to be hampered by cheaters that we can do precisely nothing about"

      Tbf, the game is 15 years old now and nobody knows how to make cheats that by-pass game sync checkers.
      Also, the Mario Strikers Community is the only one that monitors what's happening during online play and would be the first to warn devs if there was any problem with cheaters. Once again you're talking about cheats no one has ever seen yet most matches are streamed (even those on ranked mode) , I can tell for a fact that literally no video could be found and that cheat sounds extremely pointless to say the least.

      I'm sorry if I sound annoying at this point but I insist a bit more than usual because we've just finished our world championship tournament and we want to grow even bigger this year with the 5th anniversary of our community but there is this ceiling that is accessing Wiimmfi easily for everyone that stops us from increasing the player base.
      nd I believe it's really sad that we can only hope you guys care about our community or the game dies whenever Wiimmfi cease to work for Mario Strikers Charged and we can't find backup solutions :/

      Yeah, you know I play Strikers personally, right? Not frequently, but I have my own interest in the game surviving, so you don't need to be going on the offensive here. My eye is firmly on this game.

      I actually caught a bit of the MSC WC tourney on Twitch and it was a blast to watch. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of that in future.

      Anyways, like I said, any plan for this game to have special NAND access rights or similar would have to go through Wiimm rather than me, I poked my nose in here because I think I'm possibly more familiar with the game than Wiimm is and therefore might be better suited to discuss ideas. Also, you don't have to worry about Wiimmfi going anywhere either, Wiimm has shown no interest in stopping it and has already said that were he to give up on the server that he'd hand it off to someone else before he did, so Wiimmfi would just change ownership and keep on going.