Getting connected via a proxy - what ports to forward?

      Getting connected via a proxy - what ports to forward?

      Due to some unique restrictions on my network at the moment, I'm unable to forward the proper ports through my regular connection. So unfortunately I'm going to have to pass my connection through a proxy (hosted on a VPS I'm using).

      So what I'd like to know is: what ports do I specifically need to forward for use with Wiimmfi? (and Mario Kart Wii if there's any ports I need to forward that are specific to that game)

      I don't want to forward all of the ports between UDP 1024-65535 despite what error 86420 is telling me, so if anyone can give me a list of specific ports or at least a range of ports that isn't as humongous as that, I'd really appreciate it.
      By default, Mario Kart Wii will use the port.22000 plus the last three digits of the console serial. So if that's LU12345678[9], the P2P port will be 22789. If needed, you can change that port on

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