Can’t connect to Wiimmfi through DNS, is it possible to use it through Homebrew?

      Can’t connect to Wiimmfi through DNS, is it possible to use it through Homebrew?

      I want to use Wiimmfi to play Animal Crossing Wild World online, I understand the whole DNS thing but my 3DS won’t connect to my internet connection through DS connections because I have WEP2. Is there anyway to use Wiimmfi through Homebrew? I apologize if this isn’t the right place to put this. Thank you.
      When your 3DS doesn't use the DS connection because it's WPA2, why would homebrew fix that? I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. To play NDS games online, you'll need a WEP or a open WiFi network. Mobile hotspots could work and some phones can even repeat the WiFi for the DS so it can use it for online.

      The Wiimmfi DNS thing doesn't work on NDS games I think - only on certain Wii games. NDS games can be forwarded to Wiimmfi using Kaeru WFC DNS which I use on my 3DS which works well since some years - but there again you'll need a working DS connection with open or WEP.
      - NumeroFox_503