
  • A5200DS
    A5200DS ist ein Atari 5200-Emulator für den Nintendo DS. Um diesen Emulator nutzen zu können, braucht man Spiele, die im Format ".a52" oder ".bin" vorliegen. Außerdem benötigt man die BIOS-Datei "5200.bin". Weiteres kann dem Changelog entnommen werden.

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    V1.6 : 28/06/2011

    * Add Analog managment with icon on screen, just click on it to activate/desactivate

    -> this will fix pb with lot's of game like breakout, missile command, and so on

    V1.5 : 26/06/2011

    * Fix bug in GTIA/POKEY for enabling pot management, analog jostick works now
    * Compiled with new devkitpro (r33), win 1 fps since previous version

    V1.4: 13/06/2011
    * Add automatic chip detection for 16k roms (but you can change it)
    * Button L to display/hide FPS
    * Add R & L to change Rom
    * Really fix flickering pb, alphalerp is back and screen is smoother
    * Better sound (not so much ...)

    V1.3 : 12/06/2011
    * Fix pb with iEvo (hangs on menu)

    V1.2 : 11/06/2011
    * Fix pb with B button (now you can use bombs in HERO)
    * Remove argc/argv management (for Another World test with his ievo)
    * Fix flickering pb (remove alphalerp for now)

    V1.1 : 23/05/2011
    * Quick fix about bios problem
    * change screen height to 256
    * Add more easy understanding message when no game in current diretory (Thx
    Another World for the tip)
    * Fix name in makefile (was 7800 and not 5200)

    V1.0 : 22/05/2011
    * Initial release
    * Compiled with last version of Devkitpro/libnds, so DSi compatible o/
    Weitere Informationen
    • a5200v10_01.png

      40,78 kB, 256×384, 189 mal angesehen
    • a5200v10_06.png

      16,61 kB, 256×384, 193 mal angesehen
    • a5200.zip

      application/zip, 274,2 kB (301 Downloads)

    878 mal gelesen