• UAE Wii
    UAE Wii ist ein Amiga Emulator basierend auf dem E-UAE Projekt. Simon Kagstrom hat den Sourcecode des E-UAE Projekts benutzt um diesen als Port auf der Wii lauffähig zu bekommen. Benötigt wird noch eine Kickstart-ROM welches das BIOS des Amigasystems darstellt. Zudem solltet ihr euch für den ersten Testlauf eventuell ein Spiel parat legen.


    Version 12

    Added background image in the GUI
    Added sound in the GUI
    Horizontally scrolling menu
    More readable fonts in the GUI
    Added autofire (configurable from virtual Keyboard)
    Added vsync option
    Moved Rumble option in wiimote menu
    Changed the refresh rate option
    Shorter bootstrap
    Fixed file attributes in virtual filesystem emulation
    Other bug fixes

    Version 11

    Update to E-UAE 0.8.29 (more compatibility)
    Added 320X240 resolution (more emulation speed)
    Added hardfile and Virtual File System support in the GUI
    Amiga colors for GUI, added borders to the windows
    Set sound frequency to 48k
    Small bug fixes

    Version 10

    Added Gamecube controller support
    Added graphic virtual keyboard with IR Wiimote pointer called by "+" button
    Added Wiiflow support
    Added new menus to save and load 5 configuration files
    Added audio menu with new options
    Path of last selected file remembered in the menu
    Added Picasso96 memory configuration
    Added number of floppies configuration
    Added refresh rate option
    Added blitter exact cycle option
    Added 24/32 bit cpu address space option
    Chip memory up to 8MB
    Consistency check of configuration options with gui messages
    Automatic reset emulator after memory or kickrom change
    Removed noise entering the GUI
    Fixed bug in blitter exact and adreess space configuration
    Fixed bug in sound floppy configuration
    Fixed bug in page up/down
    Patch to increase rendering speed in double buffer mode
    Case insensitive file order in the file menu

    Version 9.1

    Compiled against libogc 1.8.11 and SDL-Wii r101
    Fixed full resolution in 576i video mode

    Version 9

    Added dms and zip support
    Added drive sound
    (build) Compiled against libogc 1.8.9

    Version 8

    Added rumble support
    Added configurable aspect ratio
    Reduced font size of list file menu
    Utf8 font support

    Version 7

    Fixed Hardfile and virtual filesystem support
    Added virtual keyboard
    Added several menu options (immediate blits, collision level, real CPU speed, scanlines, ntsc and sound)
    Menu reorganization
    Other small improvements

    Version 6

    Added SMB support
    Added USB FAT mass storage support
    Many menu improvements (new colors, new popup messages, browsing with nunchuk, wider screen, etc.)
    Added nunchuck menu browsing
    Configuration file saved manually
    Several improvements in input configuration menu (single wiimote configurations, snd and trd button joystick, enable/disable mouse emulation, etc.)
    Name of the loaded file in the menu header
    Added logfile option
    Fixed correct aspect option (to adapt the Amiga screen to Wii screen)
    Fixed mouse jerkiness
    Fixed second Joystick configuration issue
    Other small fixes

    Version 5.1

    (Binary) Rebuild against the latest devkitPPC (r24), libogc (1.8.7) and SDL (restores keyboard support)

    Version 5

    Fix the workbench graphics issue
    (Binary) Rebuild against the latest devkitPPC, libogc and SDL (fixes some SD corruption issues caused by the old libfat)

    Version 4

    Support for the Mario Kart wheel in games where it makes sense to use it (stunt car racer!)
    (Binary) Rebuild against the latest devkitPPC, libogc and SDL

    Version 3

    Correct banner showing errors. With this fix, a dialogue box is now opened if kick.rom is missing
    Support Cloanto's amiga forever ROMs in the default config

    Version 2

    Allow configuring most important options from the menu (Amiga models etc)
    Fix Nunchuk/Classic controller conflict
    Add virtual keyboard to set keyboard-to-controller-button bindings
    Store configuration when modified in the menu and allow uaerc.user to override the configuration
    Saving and restoring states now work
    Harddisk support is now built in, but works so-so (and has no menu support)
    Hundreds of small fixes here and there

    Version 1

    Initial release
    This version has only received light testing and there will be bugs
    Graphics look bad in Workbench, but hey - who cares about that?
    There is a menu, but few menu options actually work. Patches are welcome!
    Weitere Informationen
    Simon Kagstrom, Oibaf
    • amiga.png

      6,94 kB, 128×48, 1.610 mal angesehen
    • Stunt-car-racer-on-wii.jpg

      61,75 kB, 637×381, 1.962 mal angesehen

    2.808 mal gelesen