Hackmii Installer

  • Hackmii Installer
    Mithilfe des HackMii Installers lassen sich der Homebrew Channel und BootMii, ein Programm zum Sichern und Wiederherstellen des NAND-Speichers der Wii, installieren.

    Der Homebrew Channel ermöglicht das Starten von sogenannten "Homebrew-Applikationen". Darunter versteht man von Privatpersonen entwickelte Programme, die im Regelfall eine modifizierte Konsole benötigen. Prominente Beispiele für Wii-Homebrew sind z.B "WiiMC" oder der "USB Loader GX".

    BootMii dient vor allem als Brick-Schutz und -Behebungswerkzeug und ermöglicht eine low-level Kontrolle der Konsole, wodurch noch vor dem NAND- und/oder IOS-Loading-Prozess operiert werden kann.

    Um den HackMii Installer auszuführen, wird ein Exploit, also eine Sicherheitslücke im Betriebssystem der Wii, ausgenutzt. Mit Ausnahme der "Wii mini" kann jede Wii-Konsole durch einen solchen Exploit geöffnet werden.

    Für ausführlichere Informationen bezüglich der verschiedenen Exploits lesen Sie bitte den UHG.In der neuesten Version 1.1.2 wurden diverse Fehler behoben, darunter die korrekte Darstellung im PAL 50Hz Video-Modus, fehlende App-Icons und einige Probleme bei der Installation von BootMii auf neueren Wii-Konsolen.

    The Homebrew Channel v1.1.2
    - Bugfix für PAL 50Hz Video-Modus

    The Homebrew Channel v1.1.1
    - Support für die vWii (Wii-Modus der Wii U) hinzugefügt

    BootMii v1.4
    - Stopped the "queueing" of the eject button press when confirming dangerous operations
    - Fixed integer overflow when calculating SD card free space

    The Homebrew Channel v1.1.0
    - Added support for RVL-CNT-01-TR Wiimotes
    - New TrueType font renderer (FreeType) with antialiasing and theming
    - The new default font is Droid Sans

    - Added full UTF-8/Unicode support (font dependent)
    - Added Japanese translation
    - IOS is always reloaded, use ahb_access to keep AHB access enabled
    - Fixed HBC framebuffer tearing/lag/sync/corruption issues
    - Aligned HBC graphics to the pixel grid (sharper graphics)
    - Aligned font rendering to the pixel grid in both 4:3 and 16:9 mode
    - Fixed/improved text layout
    - Fixed support for huge meta.xml files (e.g. very long descriptions)
    - Renamed "Coder" to "Author" in app descriptions ( is now an alias for )
    - Fixed missing theme app entries (sometimes)
    - Changed many crashes into explicit errors / a panic screen
    - Speed and stability improvements when launching apps (cleanup after IOS)
    - Reload stub: support any BAT setup (or even real mode)
    - Reload stub: do not depend on existing exception vectors
    - Reload stub: do not touch HID4
    - Reload stub: disable IRQs ASAP
    - Fixed bugs in device hotplugging support
    - Added nicer error message triggered when HBC runs out of memory while loading an app
    - Removed the coder/version labels
    - Fixed memory leaks while loading themes and in app entries
    - Reduced the minimum theme size (for xml-only themes)
    - Increased the maximum theme size up to 20MB (for huge fonts)
    - Reduced memory fragmentation when loading apps/themes (less OOM errors)
    - Fixed sorting by release date
    - Fixed crashes with incomplete meta files
    - Themes now affect language choice (due to font differences)
    - HBC now allows apps to load code at 0x3400
    - Fixed various buffer overflow / error conditions
    - Fixed/improved thread synchronization and race conditions
    - There ZIP files can now contain .txt files, which are ignored (README.txt, etc.)
    - HBC can now take screenshots (Nunchuk Z+C, in that order)
    - Updated to devkitPro r24 and latest libogc/libfat git

    HackMii Installer 0.8
    - IOS58 is chosen for The Homebrew Channel when installed. This is required for USB2 support. Other IOS versions are of course still supported, but USB will be limited to version 1.

    BootMii Beta 6 (v1.3)
    - Fixed the freeze when using the autoboot feature to load System Menu with a delay of zero.
    - The NAND backup no longer crashes when stumbling on uncorrectable pages.
    - A couple of fixes to the integrated SD browser.
    - The autoboot feature is ignored when launching the IOS version of BootMii.

    The Homebrew Channel v1.0.8
    - General USB improvements for all IOS versions, this fixes the regression introduced in version 1.0.7.
    - USB2 support through IOS58.

    HackMii Installer v0.7b
    - Small Bugfix in the installer

    HackMii Installer v0.7
    - New exploit to enable (un-) installation of all components on fully updated Wiis (up to, and including System Menu v4.3).
    - Proper support for all regions, including KOR.
    - General overhaul: the installer now requires BootMii/IOS to function. It will automatically be installed upon startup – either if BootMii/IOS is not installed or if it is older than the version this release comes with.
    - DVDX died a horrible death. Rumor has it that someone dropped a snapple bottle on its head.
    - Additional installer binary bootmini.elf, see the included README.txt for more infos.

    BootMii Beta 5 (v1.2)
    - Compatible with more SD cards.
    - New font, borrowed from the deceased Twilight Hack.
    - The button combination when restoring a NAND backup with only BootMii/IOS was impossible to perform with some pads. It has been changed to the Konami Code.

    The Homebrew Channel v1.0.7
    - New title id to circumvent its deletion by System Menu v4.3.
    - New look from our favorite pixel artist drmr.
    - Both views now show five rows of application entries.
    - On-NAND settings. The selected device, sort order, view and application are saved. Settings are restored when reentering HBC. The settings can be deleted via the System Menu’s Data Management.
    - HBC now has the HW_AHBPROT flags set for direct hardware access, thus replacing DVDX.
    - Ability to not reload IOS when launching an application. This effectively means that loaded applications inherit the title id, gaining direct hardware access via HW_AHBPROT. To use this feature, add <no_ios_reload> to the node in your meta.xml file. wiiloaded binaries automatically gain direct hardware access. libogc SVN (starting with r4166) has been extended for this feature. DI_Init() will detect if an application has been launched this way, and DVD access should just work without any changes to your code.
    - USB access is more stable, thanks to tueidj
    - Fixed the retry mechanism for the network initialization.
    - Fixed some rare hangs upon launch and exit (Hopefully all of them).
    - A little surprise, to be announced soon. Refrain from bugging us about it, you’ll know soon enough ;)

    HackMii Installer v0.6
    - Homebrew Channel auf 1.0.6 geupdatet, wegen Freeze Bug bei 1.0.5.

    HackMii Installer v0.5
    - New exploit to enable (un-)installation of all components on fully updated Wiis.
    - Fix hangs on some setups (they’re all related to retarded IOS patches).

    BootMii beta 4 (v1.1)
    - Properly write the keys to nand.bin. This fixes the “NAND dump is from another Wii” issue on restoring beta 3 backups. If you don’t know how to fix those dumps, you have to backup the NAND again. Dumps from all other versions are not affected.

    Homebrew Channel v1.0.5
    * Faster startup.
    * Prefer boot.elf over boot.dol when launching apps.
    * New shiny fonts, tweaked to the last subpixel.
    * Widescreen support. If your Wii is set to 16:9 in the system menu options, HBC won’t strech the picture like it did on older versions. Unfortunately the fonts might look a little weird then, it really depends on the used display unit. Blame the lack of true widescreen support on the Wii for that.
    * Grid view. Hit 2/Y while browsing applications to switch between the old and the new view. This shows 4 columns on 16:9 setups, 4:3 users only get 3.
    * Device hot-plugging. You can remove and insert devices (front SD slot, USB mass storage, and SDGecko in both slots) at all times now without reloading HBC. To change to another device, hit 1/X to bring up a simple option dialog.
    * Application sort order. You can now choose how to sort the shown entries. Current options: either by the name or by the release date. Note that for the latter sort order a valid release_date tag has to be present in the meta.xml file. Again, hit 1/X for the options dialog to set this.
    * wiiload overhaul. On-the-fly compression: Uploaded files are automatically compressed on PC side: This makes it way faster, especially on bigger files. ScummVM, anyone? Improved USBGecko support: Faster uploads, and you don’t have to stop reading debug messages from the device while uploading files. libftdi support: Because ftdi-sio fails, especially on OSX. Note: Because of these improvements, older wiiload version and 3rd party upload clients are incompatible. Use the bundled v0.5, binaries and source code are included.
    * Basic application management. To add apps: Just wiiload a ZIP archive, it will then get extracted to the active device. The ZIP file must be structured in a certain way, check this description for the details. To delete apps: There’s a new button on the application dialog.

    DVDx v2
    - Allow PPC side hardware access. Also known as the magic HW_AHBPROT register.
    - TMD version bumped to 2, in case anyone needs to check for e.g. HW_AHBPROT.

    HackMii Installer v0.3:
    - bessere Auswahl von IOSe für den Installer selbst und den installierten HBC
    - BootMii lässt sich nun auf solche Wiis installieren, die sogenannte Bad Blocks im boot2 enthalten
    - Einige Freezes während des Rebootens wurden gefixt

    BootMii beta 3 (v1.0):
    - Bessere Kompatibilität von SD-Karten
    - Auslese- und Einlesegeschwindigkeit des NAND-Backups wurden für einige SD-Karten verbessert, aber auch für einige verschlechtert
    - Ein Fix des GPIO Inputs für alle Wiis
    - Support für den Wavebird-Controller (kabelloser GC-Controller)
    - Ein Bug, der dazu geführt hat, das die Größe von NAND-Backups mit 0 byte angegeben wurde, wurde gefixt
    - keys werden nun auch im Verzeichnis SD:/bootmii/keys.bin gespeichert

    BootMii beta 2 (v0.9):

    * SD card performance has been improved, decreasing the boot and the NAND backup / restore time
    * backupmii accepts fragmented SD cards now, reformatting is not performed anymore. Old NAND dumps are still compatible.
    * Introduced the INI variable “BOOTDELAY” to set the timeout for the auto boot feature

    The Homebrew Channel v1.0.3:

    * SDHC cards are working again
    * SD performance has been increased again (regression was introduced in v1.0.2)
    * HBC works on all system menu versions now
    * Fixed rare hangs when exiting HBC


    * Switched back to IOS < 37. While the SDHC problem for apps using DVDX has been fixed in libogc, there were also problems with USB keyboards under higher IOS versions

    Installer v0.2:

    * Installer now works on newer Wiis with boot2v4
    * Fixed reading of boot1/2 on Wiis with bad ECC data in that area
    * BootMii as boot2 and IOS can now be uninstalled
    Weitere Informationen
    Team Twiizers
    Proprietäre Lizenz
    • newhbc3.png

      392,24 kB, 640×480, 657 mal angesehen
    • bootmii_screenshot.png

      179,33 kB, 640×480, 388 mal angesehen
    • HackMii-Installer07.png

      315,78 kB, 640×480, 467 mal angesehen
    • newhbc.png

      402,73 kB, 640×480, 892 mal angesehen
    • newhbc2.png

      340,53 kB, 640×480, 399 mal angesehen

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