AnyTitle Deleter DB MOD

  • AnyTitle Deleter DB MOD
    Mit dem AnyTitle Deleter lässt sich so ziemlich alles aus der Wii löschen. Das Original hat jedoch einen kleinen, unschönen Fehler. Wiis, die mehr als 512 installierte Dateien beinhalteten, leiden an dem sogenannten "juarez bug". Dieser Bug bewirkt, dass Homebrews inkl. dem AnyTitle Deleter nicht richtig funktionieren. Diese Modifikation des AnyTitle Deleter funktioniert an solchen Wiis und erlaubt das Löschen von nicht mehr benötigten Dateien, sodass Homebrews schließlich wie gewohnt funktionieren.

    Ok, firstly i dont make out to be a coder at all, but ive managed to edit some code now and again when needed. I was recently approached by someone who was in dire need for a fix for what he called the "juarez bug" (aka "rare pirate bug") which has something to do with if more then 512 title entries are on the wiis nand homebrew stops to work.

    From what i gathered on the very limited info it seems it may have been due to a bug in libogc ( This is a MOD of AnyTitle Deletor DB that will work on these wiis with "juarez bug" allowing you to properly uninstall unneeded titles and get your homebrew working as normal again (without needing to do a system format). Just trying to lend a hand to others who may have had this problem, unlike poster #7 in thread.
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