MKWii Stuck on Connecting Screen

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      MKWii Stuck on Connecting Screen

      I can’t connect to the Wiimmfi servers. I installed wiimmfi auto patcher and ran it on my Mario kart Wii disc, but when I tried to boot up the online my Wii u “softlocked” on the “Connection to Nintendo WFC” screen. It just kept trying to connect and it wouldnt let me return to the home or back out or anything.

      I’ve been reading online and I’m having a hard time figuring out what I’m missing. I heard about a 7 day wait period but I think that’s no longer relevant.

      I unsuccessfully tried to do the DNS exploit earlier so my Primary and Secondary DNS were still changed when I tried this (in case that could have anything to do with it, I have no clue).

      I should also mention that when the wiimmfi patcher put me in the game i just immediately tried to go on the online, I didn’t reset the game or reboot the system (I don’t know if that’s relevant either just thought it might be worth mentioning).

      Please help me, also sorry for the lengthy post X(

      I did not know my aski art would turn into that emoji I’m sorry